Since 2004 AMC has been delivering training and consulting in Queensland aged and community care sectors. We provided Certificate III in Aged Care as a Co-provider between 2007 and 2009, when we became a Registered Training Organisation. AMC now offers our own Certificate III iin Individual Support CHC33015. A nationally accredited qualification means the course is recognised throughout Australia and in some countries internationally.
AMC will continue to deliver quality courses that suits the needs of applicants who require a supportive but flexible delivery style.
We also provide one day workshops that are accredited training in a variety of modules (see Certificate III in Iindividual Support through to Senior First Aid and CPR. (As a Co-provider with First Aid Alive See First Aid section)
Please discuss any training need you may have with us. For example, direct care training, management support, human resource management, training systems development. If AMC is unable to meet you need we may be able to direct you to other providers.